Whether you are building a new ground-up home, or expanding or renovating, our architectural and interior design services consist of seven main phases as explained below. This process is for site-built buildings and remodels. Our process is similar for custom factory-built houses which are also a great option because they can be built faster, and usually cost slightly less. Either way, we manage and facilitate a complex process on your behalf, from the initial feasibility studies through to construction completion.




The first step design is for problem-seeking. During this time, we determine the scope of work to be designed. No actual design is being developed at this design phase. We will mainly ask our client questions to gain an understanding of your problems, wants, and needs. This is also where the research and decision-making process happens. This process is typically more complex for institutional or commercial projects where there are multiple stakeholders on the client side that must contribute their needs and desires. Below are the steps in the Programming phase:

1. We research the project type.

2. If accurate plans are not available for the building, we measure the existing building and create drawings in CAD of the existing conditions.

3. We establish the types of spaces, number of square feet per person or unit, relationship of the spaces, ratios of net assignable square footage to gross square footage, cost, and site requirements typical for the type of project. ‍ Simultaneously, if the project is for a new building or an addition to a building, we retain the services of a land surveyor on behalf of the owner so that we are aware of all of the site constraints.

4. We establish goals and objectives. Look at all the goals the client might have for the building – the organizational goals, the form and image goals, the function goals, the economic goals, the time goals, and the management goals. How do the client want the project to fit into their overall organization? How should the form and image of the building impact the users and surrounding areas? What will be the main and side uses of the building? What is the budget and is it firm? When does the client want the building to be occupied? Are there any restrictions or requirements that will impact the design process?

5. We gather relevant information. We ask the right questions to gain a very clear understanding of every space in the building and the client’s wants and needs. The questions are both quantitative, e.g. how big should the space be, and qualitative, e.g. how should the space feel. If the client has an existing building that serves the same purpose, we can use that as a springboard to nail down what the client wants and doesn’t want. We listen to the client's complaints about their current space. People often have a stronger idea of what they don’t like than what they do like.

6. We identify strategies. This is when we break out your bubble diagram. Now that we know how each room will be used, we look at how those spaces fit together.

7. We summarize the program. We document all the information, needs, goals, and costs in summary statements and present it to the client. At the end of the programming design phase. Once the programming is approved by the client, it’s time to move to the next step of the design phases.

Fully understanding the problem is the first step to solving it. Some other advantages to the programming phase include: All parties, particularly end users, have a say in developing the scope of work prior to any design work. All research and data are looked at early in the process, so the design is based on the correct information. No effort is wasted, and no time lost during redesigns later in the process.​


The schematic design phase is when we start developing the basic form of the building. There will be a lot of sketching vs. formal drawings. We engage in a lot of meetings with the client to nail down the basic form. Generally, in this phase, we develop preliminary floor plans and site plans.


We further refine the floor plans and site plans in this phase as we add preliminary building elevations. It's at this point we start thinking about the type of furniture desired and it's placement. We design from the inside, out, meaning the interior design and decor should influence the shape and size of rooms. At the end of this phase, we can provide rough cost estimates and advise on how to refine the design to keep the project within budget. The cost estimate includes all the costs, not just the cost of construction, such as our design fees, consultant fees, contingency, furniture and equipment, testing, surveying, and permit costs. If the total cost is more than the client’s budget, we can look at increasing the budget (although, this rarely happens) or we can either decrease the quantity or quality of the design, or a combination of the two. We typically revisit step three at this point – the review of the client’s wants and needs to find a solution. If the client can decrease the square footage in one room, but must maintain the square footage in another room, could we find less expensive materials to balance it out? Work to find a balance between the budget and the client’s needs.


This design phase is when we really dig into the details. Now that we have the basic idea, we begin to refine them. We will engage the various engineers needed. We look at specific materials in this phase and evaluate them for beauty, durability, and price. We select the materials for flooring, tile, countertops, etc. and we further develop the furniture and decor package. This part of the process can be fun for clients. We guide our clients through it, educating and advising, while letting clients make the decisions. At the end of this phase, we can provide preliminary cost estimates and advise on how to refine the design to keep the project within budget. If exterior modifications are part of the project, this set of drawings is submitted to the jurisdiction's Planning Department for Planning approval before the next phase is started. This may or may not be required depending on the jurisdiction.


In this phase, we will provide two sets of drawings. The first set is a Permit set. This set will be submitted to the jurisdiction's Building Department to get that relatively lengthy (anywhere from 4 to 18 months) process started. Once that is complete, we then add the finishing touches to the drawings, the Issue for Construction set. Information vital to the contractor, like the details of a decorative design element, won’t matter to the permitting authority. The construction documents will fill in all the details and include every element of the design. The higher the quality and completeness of the documents, the more accurate the construction bids will be.


Out of all the design phases, the bidding phase is rather simple. The goal is to find a construction company to build the project. We guide our client in finding the best construction company based on your qualifications and price. The construction company will be entering in a contract with the client.

There are two different types of bids: a negotiated bid and a competitive bid. The negotiated bidding process is more relaxed, as we are only dealing with one contractor who typically offers an open-book, transparent approach allowing us and our client to see their subcontractor bids and their profit margin. With this type of bid, either we or our client selects a preferred contractor and works with that contractor to develop a cost and proposal for the construction. This approach allows for the contractor to be brought on board at the Schematic Design or Design Development phase, and provide pricing information to us along the way, so the project will be more likely to be on budget without necessitating changes to the drawings after the construction document phase is complete.

A competitive bid is where we have several contractors (often three) all competing against one another for the project. First, we create a list of contractors we want to invite to the table based on if the projects they have worked on in the past are like this project, both in size and quality. We check references, and finalize our list. Next, we send the project documents, including the drawing set, to the contractors who are prepared to take on the project. Typically, contractors take about three to four weeks to put together a bid. During the bidding timeframe, the contractors ask us many questions to clarify scope, and our responses are distributed to all the bidding contractors so the playing field is even. Once we receive all the bids, we qualify the bids. We compare the bids side by side to see if there may be any obvious mistakes. For example, why has one contractor priced paint so much lower than the other two. Did they miss something? It often takes another week to get clarifications or corrections from the contractors. Now it's time to pick a contractor. Usually, cost is the most important factor. This is where the accuracy and completeness of the construction documents comes into play. If the bids are all similar in cost, the cost becomes less important and we focus more on other aspects of the bid like the quality or experience of the contractor. ‍At the end of this phase, we review and advise on the contractor's contract.


During the construction phase – typically from the contractors' contract execution to when the client occupies the building – we provides construction oversight. In general, we ensure the building is constructed per the drawings and specifications. We arrange and lead a pre-construction meeting as well as regular progress meetings during construction. Any testing done, like soil or concrete testing, will be reviewed by us. We review and approve submittals from contractors. This can include shop drawings, product data sheets, and samples. We review and approve the contractors' monthly pay requests on the client's behalf. These detail the work done during the month and requests payment for that work. Any Requests for Information from the contractors will be sent to us and it is our responsibility to respond to them in graphic or written form as quickly as possible. We typically visit the jobsite to answer Requests for Information. We also visit the site regularly to see how construction is progressing and if it is following our drawings and specifications. Sometimes, it is necessary to issue Change Orders if the contractor ran into an unforeseen condition in a remodel or site, or the client changed their mind about something. This is usually an increase in the cost or schedule, although every now and then, it could be a decrease.


After the construction has been completed, we perform a final walk-through and develop a punch list. This lists any remaining items to complete the construction as specified. This is not the time to try to add on things that were not included in the scope of work. Once those punch list items have been completed, it’s time for the Certificate of Substantial Completion. This essentially declares the project completed. After the project is completed, there are still several documents that need to be exchanged between us and the client for the project close out, including: Project Record Documents Operation and Maintenance Manuals Warranties and Bonds Consent of Surety (if bonded) Waiver of Liens.