Many people know that specifying a low-VOC paint is important, however, most don't realize that almost all building materials such as cabinets, flooring, insulation, window coverings, as well as furniture, and the glues used within those products are quite toxic. Their off-gassing is associated with respiratory and neurobehavioral issues and accumulates in our body. There is an epidemic, especially amongst menopausal women, of autoimmune illnesses, and toxicity contributes to the worsening of their health problems. Formaldehyde used in cabinets, plywood, and wood flooring are major offenders, as is most furniture. Keep in mind that if products are marketed as "sustainable", "green", or "eco-friendly", it does not mean they are healthy for us. They are perhaps healthier for the planet, which is important of course, but we feel products should be both healthy for our body and our planet.
One of my favorite sources for non-toxic products is Green Building Supply. If you have any questions, you can call them and they are very helpful. They understand the technical qualities of their products. For example, they can tell you if certain adhesives will work for certain materials. Sometimes, it's not possible to use 100% non-toxic products because they simply won't hold up over time such as non-toxic adhesives with certain materials in certain climates.
It indeed costs more to specify non-toxic materials and furniture unfortunately, so it may be necessary to pick and choose the most important places to make the investment in your health if the budget does not allow for that. Focus on where you spend most of your time such as your bedroom and office. At minimum, invest in a non-toxic headboard, an organic mattress, pillows, and bedding. Also consider purchasing a non-toxic water filtration faucet with a good reverse-osmosis water system.
If possible, remove any toxic materials, and replace them with materials that meet the following criteria:
a. Have a Declare: Living Building Challenge Red List Free, Declare: Living Building Challenge Compliant, or Living Product Challenge label.
b. Are Cradle to Cradle Certified products with a Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum level in the Material Health category, or products with a Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum level Material Health Certificate from the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute.
c. Have no GreenScreen Benchmark 1, List Translator 1, or List Translator Possible 1 substances over 1,000 ppm, as verified by a qualified Ph.D. toxicologist or Certified Industrial Hygienist.
How do you know if your home is toxic? You can get an air quality test, but that's fairly expensive. Most materials off-gas within about 5 years, so anything that's older than that is probably fairly non-toxic unless it has mold spores in it from water damage which may be the case with any wood products such as cabinets, flooring, a plywood subfloor, drywall, or the framing behind drywall.
Worried about the toxic chemicals found in your walls or furniture, but don’t want to tear down walls or replace furniture? You can paint over your existing walls or furniture with non-toxic primer and paint or a clear wood sealer from Green Building Supply that will lock in the toxicity.
Many people don't realize it's their immediate surroundings that are causing fatigue, headaches, and other chronic illnesses. Give us a call today to see how we can help improve your health and well-being.